Mobile Application Testing Company
InfiGrid Solutions provides the best in class QA service to end client, we offers QA service to all the platforms of mobile device i.e. iOS, Android and Windows operating systems. Our QA engineers understand the requirement and delivers to make the app successful. We follow the streamline techniques and processes while executing the any task to the accuracy.
What is Mobile Application Testing?
The process of testing the application running on mobile devices is called mobile app testing, any application build to run on mobile device should be tested for the functionality it’s been developed, need to check its Usability and should be consistent. Mobile testing can be automated and also manual testing are done from the usability perspective.
Mobile Application Testing Process
Mobile application testing process can be carried out based on the software development methodology been selected for the software development whether it’s a Waterfall or Agile but process been carried out similarly in terms of execution, if its agile methodology testing is executed on sprint based and as soon as sprint progress regression are considered for every new sprints which is been developed so far where as in waterfall testing been executed once development is completed and testing is done and after bug fixing it’s been testing with regression testing.
Mobile Testing Process

Offering of different Mobile Testing Services at InfiGrid Solutions
- Mobile Functional Testing (Manual & Automated)
- Mobile Performance Testing
- Mobile Usability Testing
- Mobile Compatibility Testing
- Mobile Localization Testing
- Mobile Security Testing
Our Mobile Testing Differentiation:
- Test optimization on the basis of mobile device market penetration
- A trained pool of mobile testers with not just functional testing but also usability testing experience
- Testing services across a wide set of popular devices and mobile operating systems
- State of the art mobile lab for device, emulator and simulator based testing
Our team is eager to start creating and get our hands and minds occupied with your next big thing. So, really, there's no reason to wait, get in touch with one of our mobile testing expert and let’s create together!