ETL Testing Service

ETL testing tools increase IT productivity and simplify the process of retrieving information from big data to gain insights. The tool itself contains procedures and rules for extracting and processing data, eliminating the need for traditional programming methods that are labor-intensive and expensive.

ETL Testing Services

ETL, which stands for Extract-Transform-Load is the process of data being loaded from a source system to the data warehouse of a company. In this age of Business Intelligence, such raw data is generated in copious amounts and within a very short time, which is then used for data mining activities, reporting and analysis, etc. ETL testing, also known as data warehousing testing, is a growing testing sub-segment today owing to the growth of IV & V testing services around the world. ETL testing services are ideal for portfolios that deal with a large amount of historical data such as banks and financial institutions, travel, etc.

When implementing an Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) system for business intelligence, the major risk lies in rushing a data warehouse into service without testing it thoroughly. Outsource2india's ETL testing process ensures that all your systems and data are tested systematically for bugs, errors, and vulnerabilities before the data is integrated and made available.

Our ETL Testing Services

Our highly talented team of software testers is well trained to work on different technologies and testing environments. Some of the key ETL testing services we provide include:

Source to Target Testing

This type of testing is carried out to check whether the data values which have been transformed are the expected data values or not. This ensures data compatibility and prevents any risk of data loss.

Production Validation Testing

This testing is done on data when it is being moved to the production systems. The data in the production system must be in correct order without which the whole process of transfer would become useless. Our services ensure that the data does not compromise the production systems' integrity.

Testing for Application Upgrades

Under this service, we check if the data extracted from the older repository or application is the same as the data present in the new application. These can be automatically generated hence saving considerable development time for your data warehouse developers.

Metadata Testing

A metadata repository containing all information about source, target, mappings, transformations, etc. is extremely important in ETL. InfiGrid's metadata testing involves data length check, testing data type, and index/constraint check, allowing you to maintain a steady control over your organization's overall information systems.

Data Completeness Testing

This testing aggregates actual data between the source and the target for columns with simple transformation or no transformation. This is done to check if all the expected data is loaded on to the target from source in a correct manner.

Data Accuracy Testing

This is a type of testing which ensures that the data is loaded correctly and transformed as expected. Our testers are experts at testing the accuracy and completeness of your data, and follow time-tested procedures in order to ensure complete data integrity.

Data Transformation Testing

In many cases data transformation cannot be done by writing just one SQL query and comparing the output with the target. In our transformation testing process, multiple SQL queries are written to run each row and verify the transformational rules.

Data Quality Testing

We provide data quality tests which include syntax and reference tests. This is done to avoid any kind of error caused due to different scenarios such as incorrect order numbers or dates during the business process.

GUI/Navigation Testing

We provide GUI/navigation testing support to check if the GUI aspects or navigation of the front end are functioning properly, and generate an exhaustive report for the same.

Incremental ETL Testing

We provide incremental ETL testing services to check the data integrity of new and old data with the addition of the new data. It also verifies that the updates and inserts are being processed as expected during the incremental ETL process.

Our ETL Testing Process

Our ETL testing process has been fine-tuned over the years in order to assure you of the highest quality data transformation. Our process includes -


Business and Requirement Identification

We understand the exact nature of your business and identify the various data sources which we need to work with


Test Estimation and Planning

We prepare a thorough test estimation based on the data we need to work with, and plan tests accordingly based on client input test estimation results


Test Case Design and Preparation

Based on all available inputs, we design the ideal test case scenarios by implementing business logic and dimensional modeling techniques


Pre-execution Check

Once the test cases have been approved by the client, we perform a pre-execution check and prepare the data for testing in order to ensure all rules are adhered to


Bug Reporting and Execution

We execute the test until all exit criteria are met, report on the bugs generated, and move to remove them


Result Analysis and Summary Report Creation

We analyze the test results to ensure the completeness of the test rule, and then create a summary report which is provided to the client


Test Closure

Upon client verification, we proceed with test closure

Key Benefits of ETL Testing Services

Comprehensive ETL Test coverage:

We leave no stone unturned in our pursuit to offer the best class testing services spanning all parameters, leveraging high-end tools and automation technology including SAP testing, Managed Testing services, Independent Verification and Validation.

Quality insight:

Our testing practice and ability to gain insight into your system assures you peace of mind and let you focus on your core business.

Testing Efficiency:

Help speed time to market for your software product and systems. Proven testing methodologies that have helped thousands of our valuable clients scale up their operations.


Our skilled experts with hands-on data-centric testing collaborate with clients to Strategize, Plan and execute, taking into account the business context and specific needs.

Competitive pricing:

Enables better savings and visible returns on your investment.

Consulting & Partnering:

With increasing data complexity and advancement in technology, it’s imperative to incorporate and apply the right testing strategy. We partner with our clients to identify the best fit model.

If you have any kind of ETL testing service requirement, feel free to get in touch with us or talk to one of our representatives and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Our team is eager to start creating and get our hands and minds occupied with your next big thing. So, really, there's no reason to wait, get in touch and let’s create together!

Development Methodology

InfiGrid Solutions has hands-on experience in working with a variety of proven methodologies, be it classical methodologies, such as RUP, MSF, CMMI, or modern approaches like agile/Scrum, Waterfall, XP, MSF, PSP/TSP. No matter what kind of attitude your project demands, we have the skills and the expertise to work independently, or seamlessly integrate with your team to help deliver outstanding results.

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