Chatbot Testing Services

Keeping an eye on the quality of your bot

Chatbot Testing

Optimize the capabilities and usability of your Chatbot

Chatbots have forayed into the business arena with a bang. Enterprises have been leveraging chatbots to not only engage the end-users but also study their behavior and habits. It is now established that a chatbot does much more than just messaging.

Chatbots are rapidly adding value to conversations. Chatbots now have a context driven by intelligence. The conversations aim at solving customer problems in the most convenient manner. The entire experience, thus, depends deeply on how tactfully the chatbot steers conversations to yield the most acceptable responses.

When it comes to customer experience, it can prove to be a misery or meet the level of expectation. However, to avoid any discrepancies and turning down the customer, chatbot testing must be a top priority for developers and of course testers.

When testing a chatbot, it should include every element including input, intelligence and reasoning and the knowledge base along with infrastructure where it is hosted and premises like connectivity and voice communication.

Infigrid approach towards testing Chatbot ensures the major key attributes of the bot works and meets the user expectation as pre-defined by the organization. Our real-time test solutions and expertise helps to achieve the complete operational excellence of the bot as we majorly focus on the important key metrics.

The right way to do testing of Chatbot

Our specialized team of QA applies the right type of tests to ensure that your chatbots are intelligent, conversational, knowledgeable, functional and responding accurately with greater speed. It is an important that a chatbot is tested in all possible ways before it gets in to the hands of users.

One Robot, One Job

Chatbots are dedicated to specific functions. Our QA test this specific intent in detail and focus first on the most frequent cases, then on possible cases, and lastly addresses infrequent requests.


We test how well it is interactive by verifying interactions such as it is able to see past noise or accents; if it accepts pictures as an input, it should guide users about the picture specs required for the underlying algorithm.


In this test, we verify that how clearly the chatbot explain to the user on how to go back to an earlier point in the conversation or how to skip to the next one if they hit a dead end. Verifying that how easily users can change their selected topic, start over, or look for something else.

Chatbot’s way of introduction

The Bot should introduce itself in a user-friendly manner. The user should feel as if he is talking to a friend who has the genuine intentions of addressing his queries. The Chatbot introduction should be according to the geographical region, demographics and age group of the intended user. The Bot needs to let the user know how it can help the user.

Limit Test

This stage would be testing the limits of our chatbot. This last step will show us what happens when the user sends irrelevant info and the how the chatbot would handle it. That way, it would be easier to see what happens when the chatbot fails.

Non Functional Tests

Our Chatbot test specialists test the speed at which the chatbot responds and security testing including authentication, authorization, encryption of conversation, and adherence to compliance.

Bot Accuracy

Chatbots are meant to reply utilizing the predefined utterances. Out of the predicted utterances, the number of utterances which the bot gets correct is said to be the accuracy of the bot. We always verify and ensure that the chatbot maintain a high accuracy.

Conversation Steps

Our Chatbot test specialists are creative enough to think out of the box to verify how a chatbot can complete the tasks with a least number of steps.

Handling Errors

In this test, we verify how pleasant a chatbot is responding when the user made a mistake or when the users get frustration from not getting the answer they are looking for.

Masking Sensitive Data

Chatbots reside inside our social messaging platforms and has access to our sensitive data. This data includes the user’s personal information. Imagine if the bot ends up exposing some of that critical piece of info during a future conversation. You cannot let this happen. During this test we test that sensitive data is always encrypted and removed from the conversation when absolutely not needed.

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How We Do It

Being a customer-oriented company, we do our best to make our processes as clear and transparent for you as possible. We adopt a well-defined, predictable methodology in delivering secure and reliable solutions for the long-term value of our customers.

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